Friday, December 19, 2008

Crowning Jewel

Oh Holy child of humble birth
born to die for me,
from heaven came you down to earth.
to set this sinner free.
Your heart of mercy overflowed
upon this wretched mass,
though to this soul was nothing owed,
you pulled me from death’s grasp.
Sweet little babe of Bethlehem
God’s gift to one and all,
His crowning jewel, his precious gem
has saved me from the fall.
Secured within your loving arms
to never feel death’s chill,
this grateful child is free from harm,
held safely in your will.
Though unworthy I may be,
your love by far outweighs
the sin within the heart of me
and will for all my days.
How blessed am I to know such love,
in a world of so much hate.
My Savior sent from up above,
has opened heaven’s gate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! I always love your poems.