and as they grow we do our best to fill their lives with love
From babies who depend on us to meet their every need
To teens who do their very best to challenge us indeed
We do our best to raise them well, to teach them what is true
praying they will seek our God to guide them their lives through
As anyone will tell you who’s ever raised a child
it isn’t always easy, at times it’s even wild
But then they go out on their own and the cycle starts anew
and someday they will find the one whose love for them is true
Somebody who will love them through the good times and the bad
and then before you know it they’ll be the mom and dad

They will then be parents with a journey of their own
and you and I grandparents knowing love we’ve never known
Now that I’ve been so serious let’s see the lighter side
And take a look at our new role with our eyes open wide
Grandchildren are God’s gift to us to cherish and enjoy,
little ones to spoil and love, then give them back “oh boy”!
Our children will have rules of course when asking us to sit
and mostly we will listen but we may stray a bit.
We’ll probably give them more sugar then we’d ever have given our own
Then send them home to mom and dad and disconnect our phone
With a glimmer in our eyes, we’ll watch them drive away
“Maybe we shouldn’t have done that”, you will never hear us say
This is dedicated to Larry and Teresa Steele on the birth of their new granddaughter, Peyton Dawn Steele.
Now the fun begins...
FYI -- My Sweetie Marlene failed to mention that she also make the sketch of our own granddaughter Amber Lynn.
I could do nothing if not for God who has gifted me. It is all him and I truly am uncomfortable to point out things I do. Keith on the other hand is proud of me, I guess.
Marlene, What a wonderful gift to Larry and Teresa. I hope they have seen it. You are so very gifted.
Pastor Darian
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